What is the therapy process?

Therapy sessions are digital or face to face in the Auckland area. The initial consultant is 1 hour, and reviews are 45 minutes. Once goals have been identified in your initial assessment session, therapy sessions will help guide you towards achieving your goals. There are many different therapy approaches, and your therapist will carefully select approaches that are right for you so you can clearly see the path ahead.

In most cases, attending therapy sessions is not enough; you will need to actively apply skills and strategies learnt in your sessions in daily life. Personalised home practice plans will be sent to you at the end of each session to keep you on track to achieving your goals. Naturally therapy will come to an end once you have reached your goals.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions will depend on your individual needs. Therapy can be short term (3-4 sessions) or long term (8-12 sessions). We will discuss what is right for you at your initial consultation appointment.  

How does online therapy work?

You’ll be sent an email to confirm the agreed time of your therapy sessions.

  • Simply click on the link to enter the private waiting room.

  • No need to download software or create an account.

  • All data is encrypted, your sessions are anonymous and none of your information is stored. Our platform adheres to HIPPAA, PIPEDA and GDPR data privacy requirements.

How do I prepare for online therapy?

High speed internet connection. The recommended bandwidth is at least 1.5 Mbps.

  1. It is best to use a desktop computer or laptop rather than a Smart Phone for improved visuals and sound quality.

  2. Have access to a working microphone. External microphones work better than microphones built into laptops, like headphones with a built-in microphone or bluetooth microphones like AirPods. Some desktops don't have a built-in microphone at all so will require an external microphone source.

  3. Restart your computer prior to the appointment to ensure background programmes aren’t running.

  4. Sit close to your WiFi router.

  5. Position the screen just below eye-level. Move your chair so your head and shoulders are in view of the camera. Ensure the light comes from the front rather than behind.

  6. Ensure microphone and speakers’ functions are functioning by undertaking the platforms ‘set up test’ before every appointment.

  7. Consider privacy, selecting a place which is quiet and private.

Will my information be confidential?

The information you provide is governed by the Privacy Act (1993) and the Health Information Privacy Code. This means your case will not be discussed with any other party without your written permission to do so. Confidentiality may be broken if you are at serious or imminent risk to the safety of yourself or others. In this case we will discuss with you whom we need to share the information with and the purpose of this.

How much does it cost?

From $150 /therapy session. Appointments may be cancelled with 24 hours notice at no charge however a 50% fee is charged for late cancellations or failure to attend a booked session.

Are there any funding options for Transgender Voice Therapy?

Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) may provide a disability allowance for you to receive gender-affirming voice therapy. You don’t need to be on welfare to get the disability allowance or child disability allowance. For further details visit WINZ

You must have a medical certificate from a doctor or specialist. This should clearly state that voice therapy is “an essential medical treatment” prescribed for a medical condition. A common medical condition is “Gender Dysphoria’’ or ‘’Vocal Cord Dysfunction.”

Ask our friendly therapists at ReVoice Clinic for a quote.

You will need to book an appointment at your local WINZ office. Be prepared to build a case and let them know you are entitled to the funding. It may be helpful to contact Gender Minorities and request a peer support worker to help you through this process.

Am I eligible for funding?

Health Insurance

Some insurance policies have a provision for voice therapy and may fund several sessions with a Speech-language therapist. Discuss this with your insurance provider to check your eligibility.


ACC funds Speech-language therapy if you need support after a physical injury. Our therapists are registered ACC providers. You will be asked to give you ACC claim number and case manager’s email address at the time of scheduling an initial appointment. Your therapist will invoice ACC directly, but you may be expected to self-pay a proportion of the session cost. For further details please visit ACC.