Stand proud, like a lobster…
Have you ever thought about how your posture determines how you’re perceived, and more importantly the experience you have in the world? Did you know there is an innate calculator, buried deep within the human brain that monitors your ‘position’ in society? Just like lobsters, people that stand tall generally accomplish more in life and feel happier. Shoulders hunched, you may feel self-conscious and nervous during a job interview, standing in a ‘wonder women’ pose you may feel the world is truly your oyster.
How do you want to be perceived? How can you become your authentic self? How can you communicate better, feel more energised in social interaction, more influential when speaking to a group?
Take 2 minutes out of your busy life. Stand up, and try this.
Keep your feet a few inches wider than hip distance apart. Press down through the outer edge of you feet. Feel your back and torso stretching up toward the sky. Lift your shoulders up, back and down a few times. Roll your neck slowly and carefully in small circles, then become still and lengthen the back of your neck. Now bring your hands onto your hips. Press your upper chest up and forward. Look far into the imaginary horizon. Hold this position for 2 minutes. Visualise you are the person you feel inspired to be. The confident employee, the charismatic manager, the pragmatic friend.
Notice how you feel afterwards. Perhaps your body has a current of serotonin, a ‘happy’ hormone and oxytocin, a ‘love’ hormone surging through your body. Whatever you feel, you are on track to intensify success in your life so keep it up. Practice does wonders.
Non-verbal aspects of communication such as posture and body language have profound impacts on communication confidence and success. Curious what lobsters have to do with this? Studies reveal that lobsters that stand tall, regardless of gender, have better status on the social hierarchy and as such, ‘do better’ in life.
Take the first step into your empowering journey today. Book your free online consultation to see if ReVoice Clinic is right for you.